Should I use a real estate agent to buy a house?

Jul 2, 2024

When embarking on the journey to buy a home, one of the first decisions you'll face is whether to use a real estate agent. While real estate agents have traditionally been a staple in the home buying process, modern buyers have more options than ever before. Here, we will explore the pros and cons, with a focus on why you might want to reconsider using a real estate agent.

The Pros of Using a Real Estate Agent

  1. Expertise and Experience: Real estate agents have extensive knowledge of the housing market, which can be invaluable. They understand the nuances of pricing, negotiations, and paperwork.

  2. Access to Listings: Agents have access to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), a comprehensive database of properties for sale. While most of these can be found on Zillow and other services (that pull data directly from the MLS), not all houses might be on these.

  3. Negotiation Skills: An experienced agent can negotiate on your behalf, potentially securing a better deal than you could achieve on your own.

  4. Handling Paperwork: The home buying process involves a significant amount of paperwork. Agents can help manage and simplify this aspect.

The Cons of Using a Real Estate Agent

  1. High Costs: Real estate agents typically charge a commission of 3% of the home's purchase price, which can amount to thousands of dollars. For the first time ever, buyers will be directly responsible for paying for these.

  2. Potential Conflicts of Interest: Agents are often incentivized to close deals quickly rather than securing the best deal for you. This can lead to a rushed process and potentially missing out on better opportunities.

  3. Limited Control: Relying on an agent means you have less control over the search and negotiation process. You may feel pressured to make decisions based on the agent’s advice, which may not always align with your best interests.

  4. Outdated Practices: The traditional real estate model is becoming increasingly outdated. With the rise of online tools and resources, many aspects of the home buying process can be managed independently, saving both time and money.

Why You Might Want to Skip the Agent

  1. Empowerment Through Technology: Today, numerous online platforms provide detailed property listings, virtual tours, and market analysis tools. These resources can give you the same access to information that agents have, empowering you to make informed decisions.

  2. Cost Savings: By avoiding agent fees, you can save a substantial amount of money. These savings can be better spent on home improvements, moving costs, or simply reducing your mortgage amount.

  3. Greater Control and Flexibility: Managing the home buying process yourself allows for greater flexibility and control. You can search for homes at your own pace, schedule viewings according to your availability, and negotiate directly with sellers.

  4. Transparency: Without an agent, you have a direct line of communication with the seller, which can lead to more transparent and straightforward negotiations. This can help build trust and potentially result in a smoother transaction.

Alternative Solutions

If the thought of navigating the home buying process alone seems daunting, consider hybrid solutions. Services like Shay offer a middle ground by providing comprehensive guides, customized to-do lists, and advanced tools to help you manage the process without the high costs of traditional agents. These platforms are designed to replicate the essential functions of an agent while giving you more control and saving you money.


While real estate agents bring expertise and experience to the table, the drawbacks—particularly the high costs and potential conflicts of interest—can outweigh the benefits. With the advent of modern technology and innovative platforms like Shay, buying a home without an agent is more feasible and advantageous than ever. By taking control of the process, you can save money, gain flexibility, and ensure that your home buying journey aligns perfectly with your needs and preferences.

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